9th - w/Jake Henry (Birmingham)
4th - Bonfire Radicals (Birmingham)
10th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Bristol)
15th - Bonfire Radicals (Birmingham)
17th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (London)
18th - Bonfire Radicals (Burton, cancelled))
19th - Bonfire Radicals (Wingfield)
20th - Bonfire Radicals (Worcester)
23rd - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Bristol)
24th - w/King Brasstards (Corby)
24th - w/King Brasstards (Leicester)
Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos European Tour
05.04 - 37 Ludwigstrasse, Halle (DE)
06.04 - Ceska 983, Hutna Kora (CZ)
07.04 - Stoned, Leipzig (DE)
08.04 - Narodak, Jaromer (CZ)
09.04 - Vysmazataba Tea House, Usti Nad Labem (CZ)
11.04 - Substanz, Osmabruck (DE)
13.04 - Komplex Youth Center, Schotoff (DE)
14.04 - Montumentje, Amsterdam (NE)
15.04 - ADM, Amsterdam (NE)
20th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Birmingham)
22nd - Paradimes (Skamouth Festival)
27th - Bonfire Radicals (Belper)
28th - w/Funk Soul Collective (Leicester)
6th - Bonfire Radicals (Swingamajic Fest, fest postponed)
6th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Swingamajic Fest, fest postponed)
11th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Loughborough)
12th - w/King Brasstards (Devon)
25th - Bonfire Radicals (Leicester)
26th - Bonfire Radicals (Oswestry)
27th - Bonfire Radicals (Lechlade)
2nd - w/King Brasstards (Nottingham)
7th - Bonfire Radicals (Centrala, Birmingham)
10th - Bonfire Radicals (Blindcat Fest)
14th - Bonfire Radicals (Bristol)
16th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Worcester)
17th - w/King Brasstards (Cheshire)
21st - EIF ft. Ilias Lintzos (Spotted Dog, Digbeth, 8pm)
21st - Ilias Lintzos Acoustic Set (Ort Cafe, Balsall Heath, 9:30pm)
22nd - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Dark Horse, Moseley)
30th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Roystonbury)
6th - Bonfire Radicals (Tannerfest)
14th - w/King Brasstards (Warwick)
20th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Bath)
21st - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Worcester)
27st - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (FRIEND Fest)
28th - Ilias Lintzos Acoustic Set (FRIEND Fest)
22th - w/Kiriki Club (Dark Horse, Birmingham)
24th - w/Kiriki Club (Shambala Festival)
24nd - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (The Earl, Worcester)
8th - Ilias Lintzos Acoustic Set (Ort Cafe, Birmingham, 4pm)
8th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (The Old Abbey Taphouse, Manchester, 9pm)
15th - w/Jake Henry (Stone)
16th - w/King Brasstards (Leicester)
22nd - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (ADM, Amsterdam)
30th - Bonfire Radicals (Fairfield Village Hall Cttee, Bromsgrove)
4th - w/King Brasstards (Birmingham)
5th - w/King Brasstards (Maidenhead)
6th - Bonfire Radicals (North Kesteven District Council, Lincolnshire)
12th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Bristol)
13th - w/King Brasstards (Nottingham)
14th - Bonfire Radicals (North Thoresby, Lincolnshire)
21st - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Kings Heath, Birmingham)
25th - w/King Brasstards (Wales)
27th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Ragged Bear 3 Party, Nuneaton)
10th - w/King Brasstards (Leicester)
14th - Bonfire Radicals (The Bell Inn, Bath)
16th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Southend)
24th - Bonfire Radicals (Thimblemil Library, Bearwood)
10th - w/King Brasstards (Leicester)
28th - w/Young Culture Band (Birmingham)
30th - Bonfire Radicals (Schtumm, Wiltshire)
2nd - w/Young Culture Collective (Birmingham)
8th - w/King Brasstards (Dudley)
8th - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Dark Horse, Birmingham)
14th - Bonfire Radicals (Bradbourne Church PCC, Derbyshire)
18th - Ilias Lintzos Acoustic Set (Ort Cafe, Balsall Heath)
21st - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Birmingham Town Hall)
22nd - Johnny Kowalski & the Sexy weirdos (Bristol)